More Hell, Fewer Dahlias: The Musings of a Radical Feminist.

Archive for the ‘Awesome Men’ Category

Good Asian Drivers consist of Melissa Li and Kit Yan, musician and slam poet. Focusing on many contemporary issues, especially in relation to queer culture, The Good Asian Drivers are not to be overlooked.

I especially recommend “Here’s To You,” Melissa Li’s amazing song celebrating women of all types, interspersed with spoken word from Kit Yan.

“here’s to the women who write

women who sing
women who rock
here’s to the women who fight
and to the women who have fought
here’s to the artists the doctors the teachers the athletes
the strong and the brave
here’s to the women who do business with men
and to the women who misbehave
here’s to the women in the army
and here’s to a little bit of defiance
here’s to the work of those filmmakers who break the silence
here’s to the women who run things own things fix things
and refuse to be hidden
here’s to the women who love freedom
and to the women who love women
here’s to all the mothers
here’s to all the daughters
here’s to all the sisters the wives the girlfriends
and those who just love being alone
here’s to all the women of the world from songo mozambique
to the plains of mongolia
from the black beaches of iceland
to the favelas of brazil
and to those right here at home”

Go Youtube them, then buy their album, plz!

Radical feminist, over and out.